Westcoaster Acquired By Spirit Halloween

Under Your Mom’s Bed, Pacoima, CA
Well y’all… it’s over. Westcoaster has been taken over by Spirit Halloween. Which is a little bit weird because we didn’t have an official warehouse or office space. But when these guys walk in with bags full of money, you don’t say no… mostly because they threaten to cut your balls off. It’s an easy sale.
So what happens now? Westcoaster becomes an outlet for crap-ass Halloween costumes. But hey… we’re eating good! And we love Halloween, so win-win, right?
They paid us with $50,000 in Carl’s Jr/Hardees coupons. Full disclosure, they wanted $25,000, but I love me some Super Stars and I made them pony up.
It’s all done now. Westcoaster is over. And I’mma get super fat on Carl’s Jr burgers!
What does this mean for you? Nothing.
I have no idea what these fools have in place for the site. They’ve said nothing, except rebranding the site to be called "Restcoaster," because, you know, rest in peace and Halloween and dead spoopies and all? But they did give my wife a sexy Amish costume. So there’s that. It’ll be weird because it came with a beard. As they say, “when in Pennsylvania… chicks have beards, so just roll with it.”
For the rest of you… I have no coupons to share. No knowledge to share. This is it. We’re done. But for $50.99 I will fart on your cat. Mostly because I’m just a nice guy. Other people charge at least twice as much for this offer. So think of it as a BoGo.
This really isn’t a joke… I will fart on your cat. Just say when…

Twerking Ice Cream Cone. Velociraptor. 5 Time Squirrel Herding Champion. Super Hero.